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M.1.2. Argument:

D.1.  Argument: A set of propositions whose truth leads to the truth of another previously not known proposition derived from this given set of propositions - the initial set of propositions is considered as premises, and derived one is called conclusion. 

(Derivation implies the logical operations using the components of initial set of propositions.)

E.1. Since it is now the discovery of truth of something new within the initial set of propositions, two immediate conclusions follow:

I. A conclusion, the newly discovered proposition, cannot be absurd i.e. to imply truth and falsehood at once, to contradict itself or the initial set of propositions.

II. Accordingly, a conclusion which is suggestive of possible truths, and possible falsehoods, something like "Maybe, Maybe Not", is not desirable for it does not inform us of the truth of anything whereas in an argument we are interested in truth.

Explanation: While suggestive results, the ones with tone of "possibility", or words "may, may not" etc, while such suggestive results do have some uses, it is conclusive results in which we are interested for all practical reasons. One cannot reach his office punctually, if it is a desired end, using a car whose mechanic informs us that after repairing engine it still "may", or "may not" start everyday.

Reference: Copi, I., Cohen, C., & Rodych, V. (__). Introduction to logic. Routledge.

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