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2.1.5. Primacy of the Knowledge.

D.1. Primacy of the Knowledge:

I. From Good Characteristics (observation 6.2), it follows, since Knowledge informs us of our Needs, and Knowledge  of our Needs establishes what Useful Things are, Knowledge has a Primacy in Need Satiation - The Prime Cause in Economics - and errors in this knowledge vitiate our understanding of Good Characteristics.

Axiomatic Derivation:

1. All conscious activities are always directed towards service of definite ends.

2. All conscious activities, therefore, require conscious knowledge of ends, and the means serving those ends. 

3. Ends imply Needs as either they are themselves needs or create additional needs, and Means imply Useful Things in our lingo.  

4. All conscious activities, therefore, require knowledge of Needs, and of Useful Things.

5. Absent this knowledge either of Needs, or of Useful Things i.e. of means or ends, no conscious activity can proceed. 

5.1. Can you consciously do perform any action who intention, or end, you are unaware? Consciously performing unconscious action is a paradoxical statement. Therefore, impossible. 

6. The 4. and 5. imply Knowledge of Needs, and Useful Things has prime significance in all conscious activities.

7. Need Satiation has the Primacy in an Economy, and Need Satiation is a conscious activity.

8. Following 6 to 7, Knowledge of Needs, and Knowledge of Useful Things have a Primacy in an Economy.

8.1. Knowledge of Means and Ends, or Rationality, has a Primacy in Economics. Translation in Modern Lingo of Economics.

9. Observation - I: Weakness of the Knowledge.

Knowledge is seldom complete, or perfect at any moment in time. It may have some gaps, contradictions, may even have some misinformation, or information which now is outdated, not updated etc. This is true most frequently for individuals but also for scientific research. Let us call it weakness of knowledge, and this weakness of knowledge is an empirical regularity.  

10. Observation - II: Primacy through Empirical Regularity.

Notwithstanding 9, a possibility to expand knowledge is always potent, and present. And following 8 and The Prime Cause in Economics, men strive to expand their Knowledge and thereby continuously mitigate the impacts of Weakness of Knowledge. For if they do not, they engage in satiation of needs which do not exist, or in use of things which are not useful, and these do not satiate their actual needs i.e. such endeavours contradict The Prime Cause in Economics. Since contradiction with The Prime Cause in Economics is impossible, as it is primary, men endeavour to expand their knowledge. And this then yields Primacy of Knowledge in any Economic endeavour.

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