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Synopsis: The Bad Peculiarities of Goods Characteristics – An Exercise in Lateral Thinking for Economists.


What if things acquire their good characters due to an exact opposition of this good character? Anything acquires a good character, we all can agree, because it serves our needs, and we have knowledge and control of its useful properties for our purpose. Accordingly, the given question reduces to an absurdity, and it is paradoxical. Regardless of this verdict of logic, let us dare endeavour through this paradoxical territory nevertheless.

While the role of creativity has been limited to arts, several writers suggest, and I agree with them, that there is both a need and a possibility of using methods of creativity in sciences which can help generate novel hypotheses, or questions previously not discussed. And this essay is a demonstration in support of this thinking. More accurately, it is an experiment with two techniques of lateral thinking which hopefully can help extend our comprehension of Economy.

I have organized rest of my essay as follows: First, you will find reasons of introducing lateral thinking in Economics. Next, I proceed to present my methodology and data. In subsequent fourth section you will find details of all processes and intermediate results. The fifth section summarizes these results. The sixth compares and tests if we have extended our understanding of chosen concept by using these techniques. The last section responds to some reservations you may have.


1. Lateral Economics – A Note on Using Lateral Thinking in Economics:

2. Methodology:

2.1. Two Selected Lateral Processes:

2.1.1. Replacing with Gradual Oppositions:

2.1.2. Relating with the Opposite:

2.1.3. Imperfect Synonyms and Antonym:

2.1.4. The Trigger for Imagination:

2.1.5. Corollary – A Set of Generic Triggers:


4. Results:

4.1. Lateral Process I – Replacing with the Gradual Opposition:

4.2. Lateral Process - II: Relation with the Opposite.

5. Summary of the Results:

6. Comparison with the Initial Concept: 

7. Reservations:

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