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Synopsis: A Premise to the Study of Economic Inequality: Moral and Amoral Motivations, Some Reservations, and A Strategy for Synthesizing Empirical Researches.


Despite that debate of Economic Inequality has regained popularity in the previous decade, its discussion requires some details yet unattended. In what follows I have attempted to gather some observations which are partially, or sometimes entirely, absent from our discussion of Economic inequality. My strategy has been to use some basic premises of Economics, or psychology, to which we can all agree, and demonstrate implications of these which are critical for inequality. My aim is to provide you with premises for an elaborate exposition of the much needed topic of Economic Inequality. 

Accordingly, given my aims and strategy, I will present to you moral, and more importantly amoral motivations of inequality, and proceed, after a synthesis of the two as grey motivations, to present preliminary content for developing a concrete problem of inequality as opposed to ordinary concept of income, and wealth inequalities, based on some reservations arising from the very concept of an Economic Problem, and finally present a strategy for synthesizing empirical researches, which also aims to answer the long standing question: How political and economic variables form a causal loop which secures a perpetual existence for socioeconomic inequalities?

Finally, please note before proceeding that this is an essay in development, and the following is an outline only. Each heading is followed by a brief, in form of axioms and deductions, which lays the outline of what I will expand later. Despite being an outline, it is still fully informative as these briefs are in fact arguments which I intend to extend and refine later.


A. Motivations to Study Inequality:

A.I. Moral Motivations:

A.I.a. By Empathy:

A.I.b. By Right to Continued Living:

A.I.c. By Right to Dignified Living  - Freedom from the Ignorance:

A.I.d. By Right to Dignified Living - Freedom of the Choices:

A.I.e. Towards an Egalitarian Society - A Synthesis of the Moral Motivations, and Some Reservations:

A.II. A-Moral Motivations:

A.II.a. By The Pure Curiosity:

A.II.b. By Being A Special Case of Economics.

A.II.b.i. By Definition of the Economizing Problem:

A.II.b.ii. By the Rivet of an Economist:

A.II. Grey Motivations - An Impossibility to Separate Moral from A-Moral in Practice:

B. Reservations: A Step Towards Defining The Concrete Problem of Inequality

B.I.a. On Non-Economic Propositions:

B.I.b. On Weakness of Pragmatism:

B.I.c. On Farce and Tragic Equality or Inequality:

B.I.d. On Substitutions:

B.I.e. On Institutions:

B.I.f. On Fundamental Human Motivations:

C. Dynamics of Economic Inequality: Empirical Regularities Known Till To Date. 

D. A Strategy for Synthesis of the Empirical Researches, and for Understanding Perpetual Nature of the Inequality.

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