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Synopsis: Unconscious Economy - On Role of Unconscious in Economic Policy.


 Are our policies result of our deliberate and intentional process? Or are they governed by ideas of which we have no conscious knowledge? It is my hypothesis that our unconscious affects our policies, and I aim to elucidate this proposition, and expose how possibly our Economic policies may very well be governed by factors beyond our conscious, and of nature likely to be irrelevant to our current Economic issues. 

I have organized my essay as follows: The first part develops the fundamental basis - a proposition - of the analysis. Subsequently, I apply it to deduce how nations choice, regardless of leaders choice, determines policy. Next, I elaborate meaning of unconscious. And then I proceed to provide the full argument of my thesis. Before finishing, I provide some hypothetical instances supporting my theory. And at the end I will provide you with some questions either for research, or good for a discussion with friends. (Note: This is essay in development, and an unfinished draft.)


The Fundamental Proposition of Essay

From Leader's Choice of Policy to a Nation's Choice 

Under the Government of Our Unconscious

Instances Supporting the Aforesaid. 

Questions for Research, or Discussion:

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