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Showing posts from September, 2021

Brainstorming: What is Significance of Conceptual Hierarchies?

Brainstorming: What is Significance of Conceptual Hierarchies? Notes: It is useful for every apprentice to brainstorm and organize their ideas on important topics. This helps recall, and also discover logical gaps, or other weaknesses. I have attempted to do the same here. You may use it to develop your own diagram to organize and refine your own thoughts around the question in the title. See Project Concept Maps (Slide on Concept Maps) for understanding how these diagrams were made. You may download the picture to see it full size (Left Click on the picture, and select Save As.)

Brainstorming: What is Importance of Attention Direction?

Brainstorming: What is Importance of Attention Direction? Notes: It is useful for every apprentice to brainstorm and organize their ideas on important topics. This helps recall, and also discover logical gaps, or other weaknesses. I have attempted to do the same here. You may use it to develop your own diagram to organize and refine your own thoughts around the question in the title. See Project Concept Maps (Slide on Concept Maps) for understanding how these diagrams were made. You may download the picture to see it full size (Left Click on the picture, and select Save As.)

Brainstorming: What is Simplification?

Brainstorming: What is Simplification? Notes: It is useful for every apprentice to brainstorm and organize their ideas on important topics. This helps recall, and also discover logical gaps, or other weaknesses. I have attempted to do the same here. You may use it to develop your own diagram to organize and refine your own thoughts around the question in the title. See Project Concept Maps (Slide on Concept Maps) for understanding how these diagrams were made. You may download the picture to see it full size (Left Click on the picture, and select Save As.)

Brainstorming: What is Economics?

Brainstorming: What is Economics? Notes: It is useful for every apprentice to brainstorm and organize their ideas on important topics. This helps recall, and also discover logical gaps, or other weaknesses. I have attempted to do the same here. You may use it to develop your own diagram to organize and refine your own thoughts around the question in the title. See Project Concept Maps (Slide on Concept Maps) for understanding how these diagrams were made. You may download the picture to see it full size (Left Click on the picture, and select Save As.)

Synopsis: The Only Path is Through! - Uncertainty as the Only Driving Force of Welfare Progress.

Introduction: All history of our progress is the history of our triumphs over uncertainties! In contrast to Adam Smith, Carl Menger, holds a position, correctly, that our progress in welfare is the consequent of our attempts to mitigate Economic uncertainties, and division of labour is but a by-product. It is this proposition of Menger, presented in Principles of Economics Chapter 01, Section 5, that I intend to elaborate and further refine and extend his view.  It is my aim to present a thoroughly rigorous argument in defence of his position. For my purpose, I have opted a strategy of a thought experiment where you are a tribal leader of a primitive tribe, and I, your advisor, ask you a series of questions regarding our current conditions, and expectations etc. Together we will discover how progress of our tribe over centuries can be secured. And at the end, I will give you two questions to think about. Carl Menger was one of the four Economists, alongside Walras, Edgeworth, and Jevon

Synopsis: Unconscious Economy - On Role of Unconscious in Economic Policy.

Introduction:  Are our policies result of our deliberate and intentional process? Or are they governed by ideas of which we have no conscious knowledge? It is my hypothesis that our unconscious affects our policies, and I aim to elucidate this proposition, and expose how possibly our Economic policies may very well be governed by factors beyond our conscious, and of nature likely to be irrelevant to our current Economic issues.  I have organized my essay as follows: The first part develops the fundamental basis - a proposition - of the analysis. Subsequently, I apply it to deduce how nations choice, regardless of leaders choice, determines policy. Next, I elaborate meaning of unconscious. And then I proceed to provide the full argument of my thesis. Before finishing, I provide some hypothetical instances supporting my theory. And at the end I will provide you with some questions either for research, or good for a discussion with friends. (Note: This is essay in development, and an unfi

Synopsis: The Causal Order of Society – A Menger's Hypothesis for Sociologists.

Introduction: Is there a causal order of social stratification? Are the conditions of each stratum causally tied to conditions of some other stratum such that all strata form a Causal Order of Society? While stratification is a well studied phenomenon in Sociology, a concept from the founder of Austrian Economics, Carl Menger, can be used to study how entire society is knit in a causal order of its strata. The concept is of Causal Order of Goods, and an exposition of its implications for aforementioned hypothesis, which are policy relevant, is the topics of this essay. In this essay I will briefly introduce you to the Causal Order of Goods, and proceed to discuss why we should expect it to be related with stratification of society. In the subsequent section I will first discuss two empirical hypotheses sets that bear an interest for both an Economists and a Sociologist alike, and then present to you two questions, which are policy relevant, for discussing with your colleagues. OUTLINE:

Synopsis: A Premise to the Study of Economic Inequality: Moral and Amoral Motivations, Some Reservations, and A Strategy for Synthesizing Empirical Researches.

Introduction: Despite that debate of Economic Inequality has regained popularity in the previous decade, its discussion requires some details yet unattended. In what follows I have attempted to gather some observations which are partially, or sometimes entirely, absent from our discussion of Economic inequality. My strategy has been to use some basic premises of Economics, or psychology, to which we can all agree, and demonstrate implications of these which are critical for inequality. My aim is to provide you with premises for an elaborate exposition of the much needed topic of Economic Inequality.  Accordingly, given my aims and strategy, I will present to you moral, and more importantly amoral motivations of inequality, and proceed, after a synthesis of the two as grey motivations, to present preliminary content for developing a concrete problem of inequality as opposed to ordinary concept of income, and wealth inequalities, based on some reservations arising from the very concept o

Synopsis: The Bad Peculiarities of Goods Characteristics – An Exercise in Lateral Thinking for Economists.

Introduction: What if things acquire their good characters due to an exact opposition of this good character? Anything acquires a good character, we all can agree, because it serves our needs, and we have knowledge and control of its useful properties for our purpose. Accordingly, the given question reduces to an absurdity, and it is paradoxical. Regardless of this verdict of logic, let us dare endeavour through this paradoxical territory nevertheless. While the role of creativity has been limited to arts, several writers suggest, and I agree with them, that there is both a need and a possibility of using methods of creativity in sciences which can help generate novel hypotheses, or questions previously not discussed. And this essay is a demonstration in support of this thinking. More accurately, it is an experiment with two techniques of lateral thinking which hopefully can help extend our comprehension of Economy. I have organized rest of my essay as follows: First, you will find rea

Synopsis: Topics to Think About: Language.

Introduction: Following are the topics, relating to the use of language, that we may study because of their interesting nature, or controversial problems they pose. You should use them as material for initiating discussions with students, or your colleagues. The method is to use the outline as triggers for ideas. The list is composed only of headings and sub-heading followed by my questions that I wish to investigate. OUTLINE: The Origins of Language and Consequences. The Origins of the Meanings. The Implications of the Scarcity of Attention. Functions of the Language. The Curious Case of the Opposites. Full Text:

Synopsis: Topics to Think About: A Disorder that Governs The Society - Observations on Human Needs.

Introduction   Following are the topics, relating to the issue of Economic needs, that we may study because of their interesting nature, or controversial problems they pose. You should use them for discussion with students, or colleagues.  The list is composed only of headings and sub-heading followed by propositions, or briefs, which I might expand in to essays, save the case of introduction which is longer by necessity. My aim is to develop a more or less logically knit set of ideas which directs our attention to various needs governing any Economic Endeavour. OUTLINE: Why Study Human Needs, and Order, as Economists? Needs Imply Conceived Order(in Economics): Conceived Order Can be Imaginary: Needs Originate from Facts, or Fiction: Needs Have Time Preference: Needs Have Content of Imagination: Need implies Need of Research: Primary Needs Implies Secondary Needs: Need Gratification in Economic Setting Implies Economizing: Need Gratification in Economic Setting Implies Exchange: Concei

2.1.5. Primacy of the Knowledge.

D.1. Primacy of the Knowledge: I. From  Good Characteristics  (observation 6.2), it follows, since Knowledge informs us of our Needs, and  Knowledge   of  our Needs establishes what Useful Things are, Knowledge has a Primacy in Need Satiation -  The Prime Cause in Economics  - and errors in this knowledge vitiate our understanding of Good Characteristics. Axiomatic Derivation: 1. All conscious activities are always directed towards service of definite ends. 2. All conscious activities, therefore, require conscious knowledge of ends, and the means serving those ends.  3. Ends imply Needs as either they are themselves needs or create additional needs, and Means imply Useful Things in our lingo.   4. All conscious activities, therefore, require knowledge of Needs, and of Useful Things. 5. Absent this knowledge either of Needs, or of Useful Things i.e. of means or ends, no conscious activity can proceed.  5.1. Can you consciously do perform any action who intention, or end, you are unaware

2.1.0. Primacy of the Need Satiation.

D.1. Primacy of the Need Satiation:  All humans strive for satiation of their Needs, and this forms the primary cause of all the variations in an Economy.  Axiomatic Derivation: 1. All Humans have Needs (See Need  for concept details). 2. All self aware organisms are aware of their Needs, and consequences of thwarting these Needs.  3. All self aware organisms are  also   organisms who wish to secure their existence . 4. All self aware organisms, following 2 and 3, strive for satiation of their Needs.  5. Humans are self aware organisms. 6. Humans being self aware strive for satiation of their Needs.  7. The sum of all such strives by various individuals form an Economy, or Market.  8. Alternatively, strive for satiation of the human needs forms the principle cause of all the variations in an Economy.  9. NOTE: For an elaboration of this, an explanation below shall be appended soon.